Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society
Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society

Publicity Committee - FCGHS

The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for promoting society activities and publications for advancing the interests and purposes of the Society. The committee shall promote fund-raising events. (Society By-Laws)

The Publicity Committee is responsible for getting the word out regarding different events and workshops. These are posted on public message boards on the internet such as Facebook; Franklin County, Ohio Community Events; Flyers are passed out to Libraries. You never know where a relative may be living. A lot of people know that their ancestor came from a specific place other than where they are now.
When society members attend different events locally and beyond, we take brochures, flyers with our publications listed, or flyers with the different interest groups. These can be placed on tables so that anyone with an interest in genealogy can pick it up. They can also talk to us about genealogy.
The main thing is promoting genealogy. 
Let us know if you need publicity materials for any upcoming events. We’ll be happy to supply you with any of our current products.