Franklin County Genealogical & Historical Society
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(Blendon Twp.)
Indexed by the Franklin County Genealogical and Historical Society
Blendon Twp.
OGS No.: 3447
ODRE: 981346
Coordinates: 82° 56' 5.58" W, 40° 7' 17.31" N
Established: 1810
First Burial: 1810
Last Burial:
Acreage: 9.66
No. of Stones:
No. of Burials:
WPA Index: No
Location:    West of intersection of SR 3 and Walnut Street. Southwest of West Walnut Street and South Knox
Condition:  Highly maintained: Site is maintained at all times
Special Thanks to OGS for their permission to use this information.
Earliest stone 1831.  Located southwest of West Walnut Street and South Knox Street.  Excellent condition.  Maintained by City of Westerville. Read 1981.
Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are older and were read in their entirety. Sections 4 and 7 are newer, and only those stones with death dates prior to 1920 are included.